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What does Fud mean in crypto?

The crypto acronym FUD stands for "fear, uncertainty, and doubt." It describes market participants' scepticism about cryptocurrencies and their long-term viability. Fudding can mean many things in crypto. But first, let’s explore what FUD is.

What is the full form of Fud?

FUD Short form for ‘fear, uncertainty and doubt’. Usually used in the form of “xxx spreading FUD again.”. Example: JPMorgan’s Dimon spread FUD by saying Bitcoin is a fraud that will eventually blow up.

What is a Fud strategy?

The acronym goes pretty far back. It first started showing up sometime during the 1920s. The original FUD meaning was basically a public relations strategy. It focused on spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt in order to prey on peoples’ anxiety. In particular, a true FUD strategy manipulates people to think a certain way.

What is FOMO in crypto trading?

As crypto trading is still very much driven by emotions rather than valuation, FOMO is a huge factor to consider when swing trading in crypto. Short form for ‘fear, uncertainty and doubt’. Usually used in the form of “xxx spreading FUD again.”

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